Two Air Force veterans claimed that UFOs interfered with nuclear missile launch systems in the 1960s. Pic credit: Pixabay
Pentagon reportedly investigated claims by two former Air Force Base officers that UFOs disabled U.S. nuclear missile launch systems and disrupted test launches.
The former Air Force Base (AFB) officers Robert “Bob” Salas and Dr. Robert “Bob” Jacobs reportedly testified to Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) investigators early this year (2023).
They claimed that UFOs interfered with U.S. nuclear missiles and launch systems in the 1960s.
Paranormal Papers reported that NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016) also alleged that aliens in UFOs helped prevent nuclear war between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
AFB officers testified to Pentagon investigators
UFO researcher Robert Hastings recorded the details of the former Air Force officers’ experiences in his book UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, published in 2008.
In February 2023, Hastings reported in a blog post that Salas and Jacobs gave evidence as witnesses to AARO staffers about two UFO incidents that happened in the 1960s.
The first incident happened in 1967. It involved Salas, a former ICBM launch officer at the Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB), Cascade County, Montana.
Another incident happened in 1964. It involved Jacobs, an Air Force photographic instrumentation officer from 1963 to 1966 at the Vandenberg Air Force Base (now Vandenberg Space Force Base) in Santa Barbara County, California.
The two Air Force veterans previously appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live on July 18, 2008. They gave an account of how UFOs caused AFB nuclear missiles and launch systems to malfunction.
Orange flying saucer UFO hovered over Malmstrom AFB
In 1967, Bob Salas was a USAF officer stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Cascade County, Montana. He worked as a missile (ICBM) launch officer.
He claimed that a UFO caused nuclear missile launch systems to malfunction.
Salas told Larry King that he was on duty one day in 1967 (March 24/25) at the Oscar Flight Launch Control Facility (LCF) when he got calls from police guards responsible for security.
The first guard claimed they were seeing strange lights in the sky. Salas said he ignored the first call because he didn’t know what to make of it and didn’t think there was any threat.
However, a few minutes later, another security officer called to say he could see a glowing UFO hovering over the base. The officer claimed an orange flying disc was hovering over the front gate.
He wanted guidance on what to do about it.
UFO disabled ten nuclear warheads
Salas ordered the officer to secure the facility and hung up.
He called his commander (late Col. Frederick Meiwald). However, while trying to contact him, the launch systems began malfunctioning, and within minutes, the controls for more than 10 nuclear warheads had shut down.
He told King that the orange flying saucer UFO caused the system to malfunction. It meant that the missiles were no more launchable.
Salas said only the guards saw the UFO. He never saw it because his duty as a missile launch officer was to stay underground in the capsule from where he operated the systems.
He said it took them more than a day to restart the controls.
Hastings reported that the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) later required Salas and his commander, Col. Frederick Meiwald, to sign non-disclosure statements.
Bob Jamison corroborated Salas’ claims
Bob Jamison was a missile targeting officer at the Malmstrom AFB.
He recalled that the explanation his superiors gave him was that a UFO caused the launch systems for the Oscar Flight ICBMs to malfunction.
He was off duty but got a call to report at the base because the missiles had malfunctioned. His job as the missile targeting officer was to stop the malfunctioning and make the launch systems work again.
Jamison found that 10 nuclear warheads had shut down. He said it was rare for only one warhead to malfunction and even rarer for two at once. He had never anticipated a situation where 10 would malfunction at once.
Hastings reported in his blog post that Jamison told him he and his team received a special briefing on what to do if another UFO interfered with launch systems.
UFO shot light beams at nuclear missiles
Dr. Robert Jacobs was a former U.S. Air Force Base lieutenant. He worked as an Air Force photographic instrumentation officer in charge of optical instrumentation at Vandenberg AFB from 1963 to 1966.
Jacobs was part of a telescopic camera team that worked on filming test launches at the base.
He alleged that a UFO appeared in a film he shot in 1964 at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. His superiors discovered the UFO and alerted the higher-ups. They sent CIA agents to seize it.
Jacobs filmed missile launches using high-speed instrumentation. They launched the missiles with dummy warheads, and he and his team filmed it.
Later, his superior, Major Florenze J. Mansmann, called him. Three men in gray suits stood in the major’s office.
They showed him the film he and his team shot, and toward the end, a UFO showed up.
The strange disc-shaped flying object appeared to shoot light beams at the missiles, causing them to malfunction and veer off course.