Epsi Morales filmed a mysterious “bright round dot” UFO over Clovis, California. Pic credit: via Fox26 News/YouTube
Another resident of Clovis has reported sighting UFOs over the Californian city.
Espi Morales filmed a UFO over the city at around 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 19. She described it as a “bright round dot” flying silently in the sky.
The latest report comes after Clovis resident Jason Beard reported a “pearl white” UFO shaped like a Tic Tac over the city on October 22. Beard filmed it three days after Morales.
Mysterious ‘bright round dot’ at dawn
Morales told Fox26 News (see video below) that she was driving back home from Starbucks in the morning when she looked up and saw a “bright round dot” UFO hovering overhead. The sighting occurred as she approached Shaw and De Wolf Avenues in Clovis.
It moved silently in a straight line. It was bright, unblinking, and didn’t shuffle on its path.
She filmed the object and shared the video with friends and the media.
Clovis resident earlier reported a “pearl white” UFO
Morales did not know what the object was. But she filmed it because it was unlike anything she had seen before.
She told Fox26 News she believed it was the same as the UFO that another Clovis resident reported sighting on Sunday, October 22.
Paranormal Papers reported that Clovis resident Jason Beard sighted the UFO around midday.
He described it as a spinning “pearl white” object flying at great speed. It had something resembling an energy ball beneath it (see video below).
An expert who analyzed Beard’s footage on Instagram claimed it was a Tic Tac-shaped object with a blob of energy surrounded by a circular energy field.
He argued that the white blob of energy was the antigravity force that kept the UFO aloft.
Is it a UFO, drone, or a plastic bag?
Morales believed that the “bright round dot” UFO she sighted on the morning of October 19 was the same as the Tic Tac object that Beard later saw midday on October 22.
She concluded they were the same after comparing the videos. She disagreed with skeptics who claimed they were plastic bags.
Morales argued they did not look like plastic bags or airplanes. An airplane would have blinking lights.
She first thought the “bright round dot” UFO was a satellite in orbit. But she later dismissed the idea, saying it was not high enough to have been an object in orbit.
Morale said she watched the sky through a telescope for years and took instructions from astronomers on observing stars and satellites. So, she can distinguish falling stars, shooting stars, or satellites from other objects.
“I’ve never seen anything like that before,” she concluded.