Enthusiast Chase Waley recently took to the Bigfoot Believers Facebook group to share photos purportedly showing Bigfoot footprints he discovered in Murfreesboro, Pike County, Arkansas.
Bigfoot is an elusive cryptid, also known as the Sasquatch.
Alleged 17-inch Bigfoot footprints preserved in mud
In his Facebook post, Waley reported he found the Bigfoot footprints, measuring nearly 17 inches from the tip of the big toe to the heel, preserved in mud near the public city dumpster in the vicinity of Murfreesboro Ward Shavings Sawmill and Murfreesboro High School.
Two of the photos he shared show a footprint cast.

Murfreesboro, a small town with a population of about 1,600, is the seat of Pike County, Arkansas.
Did Bigfoot visit the Murfreesboro city dumpster?
The Bigfoot footprint photos, shared on Facebook on June 18, suggested that the alleged Sasquatch visited the dumpster, probably scavenging. It then passed to a nearby field.
“We either got us a bigfoot or shoeless meth head down at the dump. Either way, he’s a biggen,” Waley writes, jokingly, in the caption to the photos.
“I’d like to see a Sasquatch on Meth,” a user responded.
[Note: View the rest of the alleged Bigfoot footprints here on Facebook.]
For comparison, Waley placed his foot next to the footprints. They appeared to be nearly twice the size of his feet.
According to Healthline, the average human male standing 5 feet 9 inches has feet about 10.5 inches long.
The Bigfoot Believers Facebook group had more than 133,600 members as of June 21, 2023.
Skepticism on Believers Facebook page
Ironically, even members of the Bigfoot Believers Facebook group were skeptical of the alleged footprint evidence of the cryptid.
“Niiiice, someone spent some time on those,” a Facebook user commented.
“Yeah Bigfoot is 10-14’ tall but no one can find one…..?” another commented.
There are many reported sightings of Bigfoot in the United States and Canada. Claimed sightings of Sasquatch-like creatures go back to the 19th century.
But probably the most famous sighting in the 20th century occurred in 1967 in Northern California. A witness claimed to have photographed the creature walking in a forested area. It appeared to be walking away while looking sideways at the photographer.
The famous photograph has been the subject of intense debate, but many skeptics believe it shows a human being wearing a gorilla suit.
Since the 1967 incident, other witnesses have also come forward with alleged photos and video evidence of Sasquatch.
For instance, in 2007, hunter Rick Jacobs captured a photo purportedly showing a Bigfoot at Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania. However, experts from the Pennsylvania Game Commission said it was likely a mangy bear.
South Dakota State Parks looking for Bigfoot photos
Meanwhile, the South Dakota State Parks has announced the annual Submit a Sasquatch Sighting photo competition to encourage hikers to visit their local parks.
Hikers are not expected to find real Bigfoots on the trail. Instead, they look for Sasquatch signs posted along the trails, take photos, and submit them to earn prizes.
Interested hikers may follow this link to learn more about the activity and prizes they can win.
The activity continues until December 31, 2023, at participating parks in South Dakota.