The Waheela is a wolf-like cryptid allegedly native to Canada’s Northwest Territories and Alaska. The creature purportedly hails from the South Nahanni River area.
The Waheela is a wolf-like cryptid allegedly native to Canada’s Northwest Territories and Alaska. The creature purportedly hails from the South Nahanni River area.
The Mogollon Monster is a Bigfoot-like cryptid from the folklore of Arizona
The sewer alligator is a creature from New York City urban legends. Sewer alligator folklore centers around claims about a population of alligators living in the city sewers.
Chilean folklore claims that the Cherufe causes deadly volcanic eruptions and destructive earthquakes.
The J’ba fofi is an alleged giant spider that lives in the dense rainforest regions of Central and East Africa.
The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp is a cryptid from the folklore of South Carolina.