Interviewer says David Meade will only speak to her ‘after world ends’

Scientists at Caltech have previously theorised about a Planet X on a far flung orbit but not one that will hit Earth
Scientists at Caltech have previously theorised about a Planet X on a far flung orbit but not one that will hit Earth

The media have been reporting that numerologist and author David Meade has predicted the end of the world on September 23.

Though we are not sure he believes it himself as according to radio producer Robyn Flynn she tried to book Meade for an interview about his predictions, but was informed he was not available for interviews until next week…

As we previously reported Meade is claiming that the mysterious ninth planet, known as Nibiru or Planet X is Earth bound and will cause calamity when it arrives.

To be fair to Meade he’s not actually said the world will end on that date, but rather there will be a spiritual sign that the world is about to change.

He claims that recent events like the Great American Solar Eclipse and the recent catastrophic flood in Texas caused by Hurricane Harvey are all signs that he is right. The planet’s arrival will not necessarily herald the end of the world but rather a series of cataclysmic events that will bring about the start of a seven year Tribulation period – possibly in late October.

You can read more about his somewhat complicated and lengthy workings on his official page.

Meantime NASA is less worried about any collision and pointed out in a 2012 statement that if a planet sized object really was headed for the Earth then they would have been able to track it for the last ten years and indeed now it would be visible to the naked eye.

We are always open-minded on Paranormal Papers but end of the world and age of chaos predictions seems to crop up every few years.

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