William Shatner believes that aliens are not on Earth. If they were, they would make their presence known to us. Pic credit: NewsNation/YouTube
William Shatner, known for playing Captain Kirk in the Star Trek TV series, said aliens are not here on Earth. According to the Canadian actor, if aliens were here, they would make their presence known.
“They are not here, ‘cos if they were hear, they would make their presence known,” Shatner told NewsNation.
The actor expressed skepticism about aliens and UAPs after NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas asked him what he thought about the recent congressional hearing on UAPs.
She also wanted to know what the Star Trek star thought about the fact that witnesses were discussing UAPs under oath.
Shatner: Ridiculous to think aliens traveled light years to hide from us
“In my mind it’s ridiculous,” Shatner answered frankly. “You mean some highly intelligent being goes 10,000 light-years with advanced technology and arrives here and hides.”
Shatner argued that it was likely that there were many other planets with life on them. A technologically advanced civilization that wants to go on a space mission would have many other planets demanding their attention.
If aliens chose our planet and achieved the task of traveling across the vast expanses of space to reach us, it was unlikely they would conceal themselves from us.
Aliens would want to make themselves known to us rather than play peekabo, as UFO enthusiasts seem to think.
Shatner: Aliens are not here
Vargas asked him about what he learned from participating in the documentary A Tear in the Sky, which looked to find evidence of aliens and UAPs.
He answered that the insight he gained was that our UFO lore was driven by imagination. It was motivated by the desire to believe there are other intelligent life forms in the universe.
People want to believe there are other biological species elsewhere in the universe who have the same yearnings as them. They want to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial biological species that share the urge to learn what the universe is about and what happens after death.
Shatner expressed conviction that any technological civilization with sufficient curiosity to travel light years to explore our planet would also be asking the same questions we ask about life.
However, despite our desire to believe that aliens are visiting the Earth and secretly flying around in UFOs, they aren’t.
If aliens were here on Earth, they would not be hiding. They would make their presence known to us like we would if we could make it to their planet.
Humans yearn for immortality
Shatner said that the yearning to understand the meaning of life and what the universe is about manifests in our desire to gain immortality.
Graveyards reveal our inner yearning to attain immortality through being remembered forever.
When we bury our dead and put up a tombstone inscribed with their names, we proclaim that someone lived, and now that they are gone, we want others to remember them for eternity.
“That’s what a graveyard indicates,” he said. “Put a stone there, Joe Smith was here, he lived and he’s gone. Millions have come before and millions are coming after, but here lies Joe Smith, remember me.”
Shatner argued that the desire to have others remember us after we have gone is an “eternal yearning.”
He then went on to talk about a project run by a company that takes DNA from people, puts them in a crystal, and sends them to the moon.
When the DNA gets to the moon, they place it alongside the footprints of Neil Armstrong.
Shatner had a profound emotional experience when he traveled to space
Shatner, who played James T. Kirk, captain of the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek series, was born in March 1931.
In 2021, the Canadian actor went on a suborbital flight on board a Blue Origin capsule at 90, making him the oldest person in space.
He traveled with Blue Origin Vice President Audrey Powers, former NASA engineer Dr. Chris Boshuizen, and tech mogul Glen De Vries.
Shatner reported experiencing strong emotions viewing the Earth from space.
He recalled that when he got to space all he wanted to do was look out the window and see what the Earth looked like.
Instead of dazzling lights, there was “palpable blackness.”
Viewing the “blackness” against the backdrop of his knowledge of the evolution of life and how humans were “killing everything” filled him with sadness.
“I looked at the blackness of space,” he said, according to CNN. “There were no dazzling lights. It was just palpable blackness. I believed I saw death.”
When they returned to Earth and got out of the capsule, he couldn’t shake off the sadness and started crying.
“I didn’t know why. It took me hours to understand why I was weeping,” he said. “I realized I was in grief for the Earth.”