A Nessie hunter claimed to have spotted the creature moving “like a torpedo” through the water. Pic credit: Pixabay
A veteran Nessie hunter reported another sighting of the legendary creature in its native loch in the Scottish Highlands.
Loch Ness Monster hunter Eoin O’Faodhagain said he spotted the legendary cryptid swimming in the lake “like a torpedo” on Monday (see video below).
O’Faodhagain’s latest alleged sighting comes after he reported spotting a baby Nessie while monitoring the lake on webcams installed at Shoreland Lodges on the southern shore near Fort Augustus.
Eoin described the juvenile Nessie as grayish and spotted. He concluded it was a baby because it was only 2 feet long.
Loch Ness Monster hunters claim that adults may grow up to 30 feet.
Suspected Nessie shot through the water “like a torpedo”
Eoin told the Daily Mail that he was watching Loch Ness through the webcam at the Shoreland Lodges when he noticed movement on the calm surface about three-quarters of a mile away.
Something was moving in the loch like a torpedo.
Eoin said his “heart jumped” with excitement when he realized it was a large creature causing the disturbance,
He estimated that the section of the monster’s body visible above the water was only 6 feet long. But he believed that most of the body was submerged.
At first, it looked like a fish, but its torpedo-like movement and the wake it generated suggested it was something freakish.
Creature moved at an “electrifying pace”
Eoin said the mystery creature moved in the loch at an “electrifying pace.” He did not see enough of it to confirm that it was the Loch Ness Monster. But he believed it was likely Nessie because the motion and wake were unusual.
However, he admitted he could not entirely rule out the possibility that another lake-dwelling species caused the disturbance.
But he could rule out certain species. It couldn’t have been a bird. He argued that the disturbance was uncharacteristic of seals and otters.
He also believed it was not an eel because the motion was not undulating.
Why was Nessie moving so fast?
He speculated that if the creature was Nessie, it was probably chasing after surface-feeding fish.
Eoin is not the only Nessie enthusiast who claimed to have spotted the elusive lake monster recently. Many tourists reported sightings last summer.
Paranormal Papers reported that a tourist claimed to have spotted Nessie while passing the lake in a coach.
Sash Lake, resident of Box, Wiltshire, said the monster was the size of a “double-decker bus.”
Two other tourists reported seeing “three odd shapes” in the lake in August. They said the shape was visible above the water for several minutes before disappearing.
They believed it was Nessie.