Alleged “pill-shaped” UFO spotted flying over North Carolina. Pic credit: Spacebret/YouTube
A UFO hunter shared footage (see video below) on YouTube purportedly showing a “pill-shaped” UFO “with bullet-headed ends” flying close to an airplane in the skies over North Carolina.
YouTuber Spacecebret (Bret Harrison Jones) was hoping to capture footage of birds in the sky when he saw an airplane.
While observing the airplane, he accidentally discovered a mysterious UFO flying nearby.
Strange light flashing next to an airplane
Spacebret captured footage of the cylindrical-shaped UFO on January 25th, 2019. The nature-lover was looking out to film and photograph birds over his home outside Greensboro, Guilford County when he noticed flashing lights in the sky close to an airplane passing overhead.
It turned out that the lights came from a cylindrical- or pill-shaped object flying at about the same altitude as the commercial jet.
The cylindrical UFO traveled at a slow speed. It moved much slower than the airplane and flashed a few seconds before disappearing.
It was unknown whether the object flashed due to the light it generated or whether it was reflecting sun rays in the blue afternoon sky.
UFO hunter “blown away” by spectacular sighting
Jones filmed it using his GH5 camera and Leica 100-400mm lens. He said he was “blown away” when he viewed the footage.
Jones admitted he had no idea what the UFO was. But he described it as “pill-shaped with bullet-headed ends.”
The UFO hunter believed the craft was of extraterrestrial origin.
Reactions on YouTube
Many YouTube users reacted to the video. Most were believers who shared approving comments about the footage. Others shared their recollections of similar encounters they had.
One user said it was the best UFO video they’d ever seen. They added that the sudden appearance of the object behind the airplane helped to “bolster the interdimensional theory” of UFOs.
The interdimensional theory proposes that UFOs are from another spacetime dimension.
Theorists, such as the UFO researcher Leslie Kean, believe inter-dimensionality is paranormal or supernatural. But others, such as David Grusch, suggested it is a physical phenomenon that falls within the scope of physics theory or research.
Multiple YouTube users said they’d seen similar UFOs.
“I saw the exact same thing in 2010,” one person said. “It was in the morning and the light from that object was so bright that it looked like the sun was reflecting from it.”
“Great job catching this,” another reacted. “I live in southern California and my family and I have seen objects similar to this over the ocean.”
A third believer claimed they’d also seen many “pill-shaped UFOs.” He said they moved at high speed and were likely “off-world.”