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‘UFO’ sighting on live weather report

'UFO' sighting on live weather report
‘UFO’ sighting on live weather report

Buffalo meteorologist for WKBW, Andy Parker, was giving his weather report for the next day when a ‘UFO’ was caught by the station’s weather cams and broadcast live on TV.

This happened at around 11:20 pm on Thursday, June 14, and  Parker was so astonished that he had to ask his co-workers “Did anyone else see that?”

He thought it might have been a shooting star and joked that he’d likely be all over the internet because of the sighting.

The object goes upward from the ground in a diagonal trajectory and then disappears off screen. Parker speculated that it could be a shooting star and later, after reviewing the footage again said that the object seemed to be moving too fast to be a plane.

UFO caught LIVE on camera during Newscast in Buffalo

Users on Reddit speculated that it could be fireworks, a shooting star or a bug close to the camera.

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